Inside unjs/radix3

5 min read

radix3 是一個輕量級的 router 實作,這裡參考的 commit 版本為 v1.1.2

import { createRouter } from 'radix3';
const router = createRouter(/* options */);
// insert routes
router.insert('/path', { payload: 'this path' });
router.insert('/path/:name', { payload: 'named route' });
router.insert('/path/foo/**', { payload: 'wildcard route' });
router.insert('/path/bar/**:name', { payload: 'named wildcard route' });
// match route to access matched data
// { payload: 'this path' }
// { payload: 'named route', params: { name: 'fooval' } }
// { payload: 'wildcard route', params: { _: 'bar/baz' } }
// { payload: 'named wildcard route', params: { name: 'fooval' } }
// null (no route matched for/)

Tree structure

基於 radix tree 結構,將共同的前綴作為父節點,藉此來降低樹的高度

以下方的 paths 為例,在 radix3 大致的樹狀結構如下:


節點上的 children 屬性為儲存子節點的 map,key 為該子節點對應的字串

function createRadixNode(options: Partial<RadixNode> = {}): RadixNode {
  return {
    type: options.type || NODE_TYPES.NORMAL,
    maxDepth: 0,
    parent: options.parent || null,
    children: new Map(),
    data: || null,
    paramName: options.paramName || null,
    wildcardChildNode: null,
    placeholderChildren: [],

遍歷 tree 與 children 及輸入的路徑相關,以新增 /products/:id 路徑為例:

function insert(ctx: RadixRouterContext, path: string, data: any) {
  const sections = path.split('/');
  let node = ctx.rootNode;
  for (const section of sections) {
    let childNode: RadixNode<RadixNodeData> | undefined;
    if ((childNode = node.children.get(section))) {
      node = childNode;
    } else {
      const type = getNodeType(section);
      // Create new node to represent the next part of the path
      childNode = createRadixNode({ type, parent: node });
      node.children.set(section, childNode);
      // skip
      node = childNode;
  // skip


const NODE_TYPES = {
  NORMAL: 0,
} as const;

補充:v2 的 NODE_TYPES 會新增 MIXED,細節可以參考:Support mixing dynamic params with static string in same segment#11, #pull52

type 在新增節點時計算,主要用來推斷節點上的其他屬性,與 const data = router.lookup(path) 搜尋動態路徑,回傳的 data.params 格式相關

function insert(ctx: RadixRouterContext, path: string, data: any) {
  const sections = path.split("/");
  let node = ctx.rootNode;
  let _unnamedPlaceholderCtr = 0;
  for (const section of sections) {
    let childNode: RadixNode<RadixNodeData> | undefined;
    if ((childNode = node.children.get(section))) {
      node = childNode;
    } else {
      const type = getNodeType(section);
      // Create new node to represent the next part of the path
      childNode = createRadixNode({ type, parent: node });
      node.children.set(section, childNode);
      if (type === NODE_TYPES.PLACEHOLDER) {
        childNode.paramName =
          section === '*' ? `_${_unnamedPlaceholderCtr++}` : section.slice(1);
        isStaticRoute = false;
      } else if (type === NODE_TYPES.WILDCARD) {
        node.wildcardChildNode = childNode;
        childNode.paramName = section.slice(3 /* "**:" */) || '_';
        isStaticRoute = false;
      node = childNode;
  // skip
  return node;

router.lookup 根據 router.insert 時紀錄的 paramName 賦值

function lookup<T extends RadixNodeData = RadixNodeData>(
  ctx: RadixRouterContext,
  path: string,
): MatchedRoute<T> | null {
  // skip
  const sections = path.split('/');
  const params: MatchedRoute['params'] = {};
  let paramsFound = false;
  let wildcardNode = null;
  let node: RadixNode | null = ctx.rootNode;
  let wildCardParam = null;
  for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
    const section = sections[i];
    // skip
    // Exact matches take precedence over placeholders
    const nextNode = node.children.get(section);
    if (nextNode === undefined) {
      // skip
      if (node.paramName) {
        params[node.paramName] = section;
      paramsFound = true;
    } else {
      node = nextNode;
  if ((node === null || === null) && wildcardNode !== null) {
    node = wildcardNode;
    params[node.paramName || '_'] = wildCardParam;
    paramsFound = true;
  if (!node) {
    return null;
  if (paramsFound) {
    return {,
      params: paramsFound ? params : undefined,
    } as MatchedRoute<T>;
  return as MatchedRoute<T>;

_unnamedPlaceholderCtr 用來處理類似下方的情境

router.insert('/foo/*/bar/*', {});
// { params: { _0: 'hello', _1: 'world' }}


router.ctx.staticRoutesMap 是 key 為靜態路徑,value 為對應節點的物件

新增節點時如果為靜態路徑,同時也會在 router.ctx.staticRoutesMap 新增一筆資料

function insert(ctx: RadixRouterContext, path: string, data: any) {
  let isStaticRoute = true;
  let node = ctx.rootNode;
  const sections = path.split('/');
  for (const section of sections) {
    let childNode: RadixNode<RadixNodeData> | undefined;
    if ((childNode = node.children.get(section))) {
      node = childNode;
    } else {
      // skip
      if (type === NODE_TYPES.PLACEHOLDER) {
        isStaticRoute = false;
      } else if (type === NODE_TYPES.WILDCARD) {
        isStaticRoute = false;
      node = childNode;
  // Optimization, if a route is static and does not have any
  // variable sections, we can store it into a map for faster retrievals
  if (isStaticRoute === true) {
    ctx.staticRoutesMap[path] = node;
  return node;

router.lookup(path) 搜尋靜態路徑,如果 staticRoutesMap[path] 有資料就提前回傳,藉此節省遍歷 tree 及判斷、計算 data.params 的開銷

function lookup<T extends RadixNodeData = RadixNodeData>(
  ctx: RadixRouterContext,
  path: string,
): MatchedRoute<T> | null {
  const staticPathNode = ctx.staticRoutesMap[path];
  if (staticPathNode) {
    return as MatchedRoute<T>;
  // skip
